Artemis Connect

A community made for connecting women who have a passion for gaming!

Artemis Connect is a mobile app made for women to find other women who love to play video games! Stay connected with the latest gaming news and updates, as well as find your sisterhood of gamers to play with!

Our mission is to make sure females who play video games have a comfortable and safe place to connect with others with similar interests!


  • Site Map

    This is the sitemap I created for the mobile app Artemis Connect, using the research I’ve done to determine the most necessary navigation for the ease of the user.

  • Competitive Analysis

    I researched other mobile apps that were similar to mine to get a better understanding of what features to make available as well as how to make my app unique!

  • User Flow

    I created a simple user flow that identifies a user’s navigational journey throughout my mobile app.

  • User Persona's

    The main target user are females who play video games but feel misrepresented or alone in the online gaming community that they are in. I want to cluster the female personas into a group to explain their user case better.

Connect with Others

Animated through After Effects, I created a walkthrough of the mobile app itself to show everything it has to offer, from finding friends with common interests to being part of an inclusive and passionate gaming community!




Retro Gaming